Saturday 30 January 2021

The lead up to my meeting Kurt Langer revisited

I travelled across Europe for several months, slowly making my way east. It is a Europe that has changed enormously over those intervening forty four years. 

It might be a bit tedious for some but for others, so I'm told, the lead up to my meeting Kurt sets the scene and allows for some understanding of how the West has got to where it has now got to in terms of achieving something that was denied it for the previous two thousand years; the incredible achievement of home-grown or willingly imported terrorism. 

The ruling elites did not wade through the swamps and jungles of Vietnam, only one senator's son served in Vietnam. The hypocrisy continued long after the war ended with some senators even claiming to have served in Vietnam, they were found to be lying, but let's elect them to the Senate anyway. Against such hypocrisy and the voices of millions crying out for self-destruction even the shining light of the beacon of the USA dimmed. The world was in self-immolation mode and the ruling elites were going to ensure that it transitioned from strong, healthy democracies to anarchic outposts of third-world ghettoes as smoothly and quickly as possible. Led by such notaries as the German Chancellor, Frau Angela Merkle, who in 2015 single-handedly opened the gates of Germany to anyone and everyone from war torn regions such as Iraq and Syria then, after allowing in one million made it clear that her contribution was for “war and terror” when she said, “In many regions war and terror prevail. States disintegrate. For many years we have read about this. We have heard about it. We have seen it on TV. But we had not yet sufficiently understood that what happens in Aleppo and Mosul can affect Essen or Stuttgart. We have to face that now.” 

“We have to face that now” her voice rings with the same tones as the man she most despises, Adolf Hitler. On the eve of war Hitler was at his mountain fastness of the Berghof, waiting for the Pact of Steel to be signed with Stalin. In the afternoon he stood with his guests on the terrace and stared at the sky, it was in turmoil, an eyewitness described it as, “...blood-red, green, sulphur grey, black as the night, a jagged yellow.” The spectacle horrified and intimidated the entourage, a Hungarian woman perhaps blessed (or cursed) with the ability to peer into the future felt she must speak.

“Mein Fuhrer, this augurs nothing good. It means blood, blood, blood and again blood. Destruction and suffering. Blood and again blood.”

Hitler was totally shocked, the vision and the warning had sent him wild, with a crazed expression, eyes staring remotely into the distance he uttered the fateful words, “If it has to be then let it be now.” He and Frau Merkle both knew that there would be no putting back the clock, that their actions would unleash forces of destruction. 

“We have to face that now,” as in 'now that I have allowed in one million this year, one million next year, one million the year after that...' Millions of undocumented aliens with cultures and creeds diametrically opposed to everything that the West stands for. Never in history has any state damaged itself so irreparably under the banner of altruism. Within days of Frau Merkle uttering her dirge women were being raped across Germany in the New Year celebrations, Stuttgart (that she had bizarrely predicted would experience “war and terror”) was just one of the cities where the invaders took women “those (captives) whom your right hands possess” as the edict from their prophet prescribes. The crimes committed that night were deliberately buried from public view and only surfaced after many months. Frau Merkel did not think to herself, “Perhaps this experiment might not work,” she continued to allow in floods of young, fighting age men, every route that led to Germany, roads and railway lines were filled with fit, well-dressed, strong men. Women and children were an absolute minority as the race to the Mecca of Germany where they would be paid to live, was on. Once settled the young male was able to send for each and every member of his extended family. Germany already had a Turkish population of “at least 4 million” making up around 5% of the population. The interraction between the Islamic Turks with strong links to Turkey, they continue to provide a powerful Islamist vote in Turkish elections, and the German working classes had been more than problematic, deaths had occurred, neo-Nazis had killed, the Turks made up 10% of the criminal gangs operating throughout the country. Against that background Merkle's actions... saw her being awarded for her humanitarian efforts, Time Magazine named her, “Person of the Year.” Perhaps the fireworks hitting Cologne Cathedral as a thousand women and girls were being raped and assaulted beneath its twin spires were in celebration of the award. 

It is incredible but, like the Hungarian woman that warned Hitler, forty-three years ago I met and fell in love with Ayse. She told me what was to come and I knew she must be right although I could not believe that it could happen in my lifetime. She told me it would and that I must give voice to her warning but I fear it is too late. 

Already our voices have been stifled. In the UK laws have been enacted to keep our mouths shut. Political Correctness is the vehicle driven by the Thought Police. Here’s how the the Metropolitan Police of London define 'Hate Crime' and 'Hate Incidents,'

“A hate crime is defined as, 'Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person's race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.' 

“A hate incident is any incident which the victim, or anyone else, thinks is based on someone’s prejudice towards them because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or because they are transgender.

“Not all hate incidents will amount to criminal offences, but it is equally important that these are reported and recorded by the police.”

Big Brother is alive and well and watching you. It may not even be a criminal offence but the police will become involved. What this “crime” achieves is the silencing of dissent. For instance, if someone was to write about the Armenian Genocide and the statements which are still being made today by President Erdogan regarding the future of the remaining 170,000 Armenians within his country [not mentioning the genocide of 1.5m Christian Armenians from 1914-17, undercover of World War I] it might be that a newly arrived person from that country could perceive that what is being said is offensive to them. It is for the police to decide if that is a “crime” or an “incident.” 

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