Saturday 30 January 2021

Requests to escape the repressive regime of Erdogan

Many people have contacted me since the publication of KURT LANGER : NEMESIS OF TERROR asking for help and advice. Several young Turks, who shall be nameless, knowing of my kayaking background, asked me for assistance in fleeing from the repressive regime of Erdogan.

Here is the advice that I gave them;-

Some thoughts. Some ideas...

The best plans are the most simple. You said that there are patrols – yes, there will be patrols, those patrol boats will rely upon their ship-to-ship radar to detect boats. A kayak cannot be detected by radar, it's signature is too small. Check this out on Google.

Here is a map of a possible crossing from Turkey to the Greek island of Inousses, off Chios. 

The distance is under 10km.

Here is a short trip that I have paddled many times

The distance is 4km x 2 = 8km.

In a sea kayak it takes 1.5 hours to make the 8km trip.  At that speed of just over 5km per hour, 10Km would take 2 hours. 

2 hours paddling is easy. There is nothing difficult to it. I have paddled that distance with old men and women many times.

A sea kayak is the fastest boat to paddle but there are other boats that would make the crossing more slowly. You will have seen 'sit-on-tops' on the beaches near Izmir that are used by holidaymakers.

These are all capable of making the crossing. A sit-on-top is a safer option if the sea was to get rougher because it is easy to climb back on. But it will be important to choose a dark, calm night.

Here is a fishing kayak...

A dark kayak is better than a light kayak.

Once you are in the area near to Inousses you are in the danger zone. They will know why you are there. You will need to buy this boat and use it near to Izmir. Try to use it where other people use such boats. Maybe hire the boat that you intend to use. A fishing kayak would allow you to practice under the pretence of being a fisherman. If you take a short fishing rod with you, on any boat, you are a fisherman.

You will not need much practice. These boats are so easy to paddle. You will need to go to the the spot where you will launch the boat from Turkey and check it is suitable. You can also spend all night there looking out towards Inousses, watching to see how many boats travel in that area during the night. All boats are lit, in the night the sound of their engines is very loud. That is why a motor boat is useless. A kayak is silent. 

Patrol boats will also be lit. If not you will hear their engine. Take binoculars.

I do not know if you have a car. If you do not have a car this will be more difficult. 

When the day comes you will strap the boat to the roof of the car – you don't need a roof rack – you can just put the straps through the windows, put some carpet on the roof. You will know exactly where you are going to launch from. Use a torch with a very faint light – light can be picked up by the human eye very, very easily. 

Your torch will light your compass. You have to travel on a dark night. An overcast night is the darkest, even starlight (in Turkey) is bright enough to see fairly well. Time the trip so that dawn will just be starting to break as you reach the island.

You will paddle at the most for four hours. That is not difficult. You can hire a boat for that time and practice. 

Here are some other thoughts... is it best to have a trusted friend take you to the launch site? That friend can drop off you and the boat and then return. Nobody has a clue where you have gone. If you take a car and leave the car it shows that you were in that area. If you take the boat there using your own car you can drop off the boat and hide it. You can return next day using the bus/bicycle. A bicycle can be thrown into the sea, a car will be found.

[Remember : Silence is your strength!!]

Don't tell anybody anything unless essential to the success of the mission.

These are all thoughts for you to think on. The plan will come from them.

The main town and harbour is marked in pink. You will need to paddle between the two islands then follow the coast round. The islands seem to be quite low-lying, no huge cliffs. 

Here are Google Images showing how close Turkey is to Inousses. Yes, it is easy to patrol but in the dark a kayak is a needle in a haystack. 

Begin work on this today. Don't delay. 

From the island of Inousses you can paddle along its coast and cross to the main island of Chios. Paddle during the early morning. The sea is usually calmest first thing in the morning, the sun creates wind, the wind creates waves. It is flat calm in the early morning.

Once you reach Chios you can get a ferry. 

Good luck


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